12 Feb 2021

New publications

We have just published the works of Alighiero Boetti, Piero Dorazio, Riccardo Guarneri. All the works are visible on our website www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere clicking on the artist's name.

Also on the said website are available other works for sale by Alighiero Boetti, Piero Dorazio, Riccardo Guarneri

For those who want it, the works by Boetti, Dorazio, Guarneri are available in the gallery for a direct view during opening hours

Tags: Alighiero Boetti - Piero Dorazio - Riccardo Guarneri - Boetti - Dorazio - Guarneri - works fo...

10 Feb 2021

Orvieto Cathedral

Being in the area we took advantage of it to visit the Cathedral of Orvieto, one of the most important examples of Gothic art in Italy. The construction of the Cathedral of Orvieto began in 1290 and ended in 1591. The design and direction of the works were alternated between several architects, mainly Lorenzo Maitani and Arnolfo di Cambio. The front is rich in bas-reliefs and sculptures and made sumptuous by gilding. Inside there are frescoes by several artists, among which Beato Angelico and Luca Signorelli excel. The cathedral can be visit...

7 Feb 2021

Kazumasa exhibition

Kazumasa Mizokami exhibits personal colorful terracotta sculptures on the premises of the Toselli Gallery, in via Tortona 31 in Milan. In this exhibition we find the themes dear to Kazumasa, the Blue Man, the Calendars, the animals, the flower panels. A yellow sculpture stands out upside down representing the fall of Icarus,the Greek mythological character who wanted to challenge the sun with wax wings and for this he soon fell to earth. But Kazumasa does not precipitate him but makes him glide over a flowery field with his hands and head. T...

3 Feb 2021

Vanna Nicolotti Archive

Interested parties are informed that the Vanna Nicolotti Archive is operational for the archivitions of the artist's works. The archive was held by Nicolotti together with his collaborator Dr. Alessandro Azzoni. After the artist's death a year ago, the archive is now held by Dr. Azzoni. If you wish to archive the works of Vanna Nicolotti, please go to the www.vannanicolotti.it following the instructions given therein.

You can view the works for sale by Vanna Nicolotti on our website at the www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere/vanna-nico...

27 Jan 2021

Pomodoro and Rotella new works

We have just published on our www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere one work by Arnaldo Pomodoro and one by Mimmo Rotella. Pomodoro's work was part of a personal exhibition of the Master that we held in the gallery in 2010-2011 and published in the related catalogue. Rotella's work is a small retro d'affiche of 1958 published in the general catalogue of the works of Mimmo Rotella.

On the mentioned site you can view other works for sale by Arnaldo Pomodoro and Mimmo Rotella.

The works of Mimmo Rotella and Arnaldo Pomodoro can be viewed i...

21 Jan 2021

ArteFiera Bologna Playlist

from 21st to 24th of this month on the ArteFiera Bologna website, www.artefiera.it, a section, called Playlist, offers participation in various cultural initiatives including the one called "In galleria" where the galleries participating in the fair exhibit a selection of their works that would have been part of this year's exhibition project. Our gallery also participated in this initiative with works by Mimmo Rotella, Javacheff Christo, Fernandez Arman. To log on, go to the www.artefiera.it/playlist/in-galleria.

Works for sale by Rotella,...

18 Jan 2021

Christo arc de trionpfe in Paris

Coronavirus permitting, the packing of the Arc de Triomphe, designed by Christo and never realized until now, will be inaugurated in Paris on September 18th. Christo's departure did not stop the execution of the project to be carried out by Studio Christo and Jeanne Claude. The installation will last, as usual, only two weeks that is, until October 3. This is a project that Christo had been caressing for a long time but that bureaucratic difficulties did not allow him to realize it while he was alive.  We remember the impressive "Floatting p...

15 Jan 2021

Alberto Biasi lockdown of the art

In this booklet, entitled "Covid-19 Lockdown of art", Alberto Biasi takes advantage of this forced rest to tell some significant moments of his life and artistic journey. On some days of spring 2020, in full first lockdown, Biaisi sits comfortably in front of the window of his studio and in this silence and in this peace recalls his beginnings, the first experiments, the first exhibitions, the establishment of Group N, the failure to award at the Biennale of 1964,due toprofessional jealousy, his summer holidays in Pieve di Cadore, his tasty ...

11 Jan 2021

Philippe Daverio tells

For a few weeks now, attached to the newspaper Corriere della Sera, an interesting series of small monographs concerning the artists of the past has been published. The reading is pleasant and smooth, the artist's life and the photos of the main works are reported with the description of the works and the executive motivation in the historical-social and artistic context of the execution.  The series is useful for art lovers as it helps to understand the evolution of art from the Renaissance onwards. Since our gallery operates in the field o...

21 Dec 2020

Marco Casentini new works

We have just published two works by Marco Casentini, an artist who moves on an unusual abstractionism. Its canvases are composed of elementary geometric elements, squares and rectangles, side by side or overlapping. But the work is not developed starting from elementary forms, but consists of jets using already finished forms. The result is an agglomeration of colors, a transfer to the canvas of the colors of the surrounding environment that can be a view of a countryside or an overview of cities. You can see the works at the address www.gal...

9 Dec 2020

Paolo Masi new works

We have just published works by Paolo Masi,a well-known exponent of Analytical Painting together with Giorgio Griffa, Riccardo Guarneri and Gianfranco Zappettini, which you can see at the address  www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere/paolo-masi

In 1974 Paolo Masi began to use cardboard to produce his works, especially the packaging cardboard that in Masi's work is not only elevated to elected material but, at the same time, acquires full autonomy, both as a support and as a work.

All the works of Paolo Masi published are of the same si...

5 Dec 2020

Verona Digital Yellow

Until December 14th the Digital Yellow of Art Verona is online. For this occasion we propose works by the following artists: Valerio Adami, Getulio Alviani, Alberto Biasi, Javacheff Christo, Lucio Del Pezzo, Riccardo Guarneri, Paolo Masi, Vanna Nicolotti, Mario Raciti, Mimmo Rotella.

Other works by these artists can be viewed on our website www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere

Tags: Verona Digital Yellow - Valerio Adami - Getulio Alviani - Alberto Biasi - Javacheff Christo - Lucio Del Pezzo - Riccardo Guarneri - Paolo Masi - Vanna Nico...

4 Dec 2020

Vanni Cuoghi - new works

We have just published three new works by Vanni Cuoghi that belong to the " Remedies "series.  These are boxes of empty medicines inside which Cuoghi inserts watercoloured and carved papers. In these cards Cuoghi represents dragons and a medieval warrior who confronts him in a duel to kill him and obtain blood from him. In ancient times, engraving the bark of some trees, a live red resin was obtained that in the Middle Ages the popular belief identified with the blood of dragons, imaginative animals that dominated ancient legends, and the be...

29 Nov 2020

Pao, publication of new works

We just published some works by Pao. These are three silkscreen on paper of 34x34 cm on paper of 50x40 cm. Thesesilk screen are a re-publication of the advertising of a brand of detergent from a few years ago with the replacement of the "chick" with a "penguin". The silkscreens have three background colors, red, blue and yellow. The cost of each silkscreen is € 150 plus any shipping costs. These works, like Pao's other works for sale,can be viewed at the address  www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere/pao

Taags: Pao - penguin - works for ...

27 Nov 2020

Verona Black Friday

In this period, as everyone knows, we cannot hold fairs in presence, so we have given our support to the digital initiatives of Fiera di Verona. These initiatives are time-limited and have different names. The first one is called "Black Friday" and takes place on today's day alone. Each gallery has only one work at a wall price, a price valid for today alone. The "Digital Yellow" will follow from 4 to 14 December with more works and the "Digital White" from 15 December to 10 January 2021 with many works. To participate in the initiative, vis...

Galleria incontro
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
VAT N : 02662130984
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