20 Apr 2021

Exhibition by Giorgio Griffa in Lille

After the restrictions imposed by the measures to combat the spread of Covid 19, the great personal exhibition "Merveilles de l'inconnu" (Wonders of the Unknown) that the Lille Métropole Musée(LAM)dedicates to Giorgio Griffa is finally open to the public. The museum is located in the park of Villeneuve d'Ascq near the town of Lille, basically on the border with Belgium. This is a museum donated to this town by a wealthy local entrepreneur who in addition to building the building has transferred his rich art collection there.  Later the museu...

19 Apr 2021

new works

On our website we recently published three new works, one by Agostino Bonalumi, one by Roberto Crippa and another by Giorgio Griffa. They are three captivating works for their constructive solutions. Bonalumi's is a purple silk and the value of this solution, the coverage of the shaped paper with purple silk, is of great visual impact as silk enhances the protrusions, the"extroflexions",of the paper below accentuating the difference between the lights and shadows and also the shine of the silk generates glows that change color and position d...

1 Apr 2021

Umberto Mariani - visit to the studio

Visit to the studio of Umberto Mariani to view his latest works and wish you a Happy Easter. Mariani has luded us with the latest productions, from small works of 30x20 cm to larger ones of 100x70 cm. The works are performed with lead foil, which the artist shapes in the way of folds of a dress or drapery, on which he then spreads several coats of color. Colors are generally primary colors with small variations created by Mariani himself.

On our website at the addresse  www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere/umberto-mariani you can view t...

18 Mar 2021

Death of Turi Simeti

Turi Simeti died the day before yesterday, March 16, at the age of 91. With him goes one of the last protagonists of that fruitful period of Italian art that was that of the 60s; period that includes artists such as Castellani, Bonalumi,Manzoni, Fontana,Schifano, Boetti, Isgrò just to name a few. Sicilian of Alcamo, he emigrated to Rome in 1959 and then finally to Milan in 1965. In that year he participated in a memorable exhibition in Fontana's studio, called "Zero Avantgarde", with Manzoni, Dadamaino, Kusama, Haake, Bonalumi and others. Hi...

16 Mar 2021

Boetti at the National Gallery

The National Gallery in Washington announces that it has acquired a tapestry by Alighiero Boetti, an untitled of 1988 measuring 112.5x104 cm. Remember that Boetti tapestries are the most looked for by the market, for this reason their prices are constantly growing. Our gallery has been dealing with Boetti for a long time and we are usually able to propose several works at the same time. But lately Boetti's tapestries have become rarefied, there is only one left that you can view on our site at www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere/alighie...

10 Mar 2021

postponement closing Griffa show

Collectors are informed that the closure of Giorgio Griffa's exhibition has been postponed to 15 April next.

For Griffa's works for sale, please consult the website at www.galleriaincontro.it/en/mostre/giorgio-griffa-opere

It should also be remembered that the available works by Giorgio Griffa can be viewed in the gallery during the opening hours

In addition, it is possible, by appointment, to have a preview view of the exhibition and Griffa's works available via whatsapp connection with the mobile number 3334755164

Tags: Giorgio Griffa ...

6 Mar 2021

Recent publications

We have just published two new works: a black filing cabinet by Lucio Del Pezzo and a chalcography by Enrico Castellani. Unfortunately, we do not have any other works for sale by Castellani.

On our website at the address www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere/lucio-del-pezzo other works for sale by Lucio Del Pezzo are available.

In addition, lucio del pezzo's works are available in the gallery for direct viewing during opening hours

Tags: filing cabinet- Lucio Del Pezzo - chalcography - Enrico Castellani - Castellani - works for sale by...

3 Mar 2021

Visit to Mario Raciti

Visit to Mario Raciti to see his latest works. Curiosity arises from the fact that Raciti has opened a new pictorial cycle for a few months now, which he calls "Fonte".  Raciti called it this way because it brings back to the canvas a bundle of colored lines that starts from the top of the canvas and then descends and expands downwards thus giving the impression of a water source or rather a cascade of water. These are not sharp lines, but segments, very fluid brushstrokes that sometimes change into a patch of homogeneous color. What does th...

25 Feb 2021

Christo at auction

Recently at Sotheby's auction house in Paris, some works that were part of Christo's personal collection were auctioned off. This collection included works by Christo himself and other artists with whom Christo had friendships such as Rotella. The purpose of this sale was to finance the Christo Foundation which has just been established. All the works have done excellent results, and among them those that have reached the maximum were those of Christo. A work "The umbrellas" made the record price of € 1,706,500.

On our website www.galleriai...

22 Feb 2021

Guarneri at the Centre Pompidou

The Centre Pompidou in Paris recently purchased four works by Riccardo Guarneri for its permanent exhibition. These are two historical paintings and two recent ones.  This fact is a proof of Guarneri's appreciation abroad given the international importance of the Centre Pompidou museum.

On our website at the address  www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere/riccardo-guarneri you can see the works for sale by Riccardo Guarneri.

At the same address you can consult the biography of Riccardo Guarneri

Guarneri's works are available in the gall...

12 Feb 2021

New publications

We have just published the works of Alighiero Boetti, Piero Dorazio, Riccardo Guarneri. All the works are visible on our website www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere clicking on the artist's name.

Also on the said website are available other works for sale by Alighiero Boetti, Piero Dorazio, Riccardo Guarneri

For those who want it, the works by Boetti, Dorazio, Guarneri are available in the gallery for a direct view during opening hours

Tags: Alighiero Boetti - Piero Dorazio - Riccardo Guarneri - Boetti - Dorazio - Guarneri - works fo...

10 Feb 2021

Orvieto Cathedral

Being in the area we took advantage of it to visit the Cathedral of Orvieto, one of the most important examples of Gothic art in Italy. The construction of the Cathedral of Orvieto began in 1290 and ended in 1591. The design and direction of the works were alternated between several architects, mainly Lorenzo Maitani and Arnolfo di Cambio. The front is rich in bas-reliefs and sculptures and made sumptuous by gilding. Inside there are frescoes by several artists, among which Beato Angelico and Luca Signorelli excel. The cathedral can be visit...

7 Feb 2021

Kazumasa exhibition

Kazumasa Mizokami exhibits personal colorful terracotta sculptures on the premises of the Toselli Gallery, in via Tortona 31 in Milan. In this exhibition we find the themes dear to Kazumasa, the Blue Man, the Calendars, the animals, the flower panels. A yellow sculpture stands out upside down representing the fall of Icarus,the Greek mythological character who wanted to challenge the sun with wax wings and for this he soon fell to earth. But Kazumasa does not precipitate him but makes him glide over a flowery field with his hands and head. T...

3 Feb 2021

Vanna Nicolotti Archive

Interested parties are informed that the Vanna Nicolotti Archive is operational for the archivitions of the artist's works. The archive was held by Nicolotti together with his collaborator Dr. Alessandro Azzoni. After the artist's death a year ago, the archive is now held by Dr. Azzoni. If you wish to archive the works of Vanna Nicolotti, please go to the www.vannanicolotti.it following the instructions given therein.

You can view the works for sale by Vanna Nicolotti on our website at the www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere/vanna-nico...

27 Jan 2021

Pomodoro and Rotella new works

We have just published on our www.galleriaincontro.it/en/artisti-opere one work by Arnaldo Pomodoro and one by Mimmo Rotella. Pomodoro's work was part of a personal exhibition of the Master that we held in the gallery in 2010-2011 and published in the related catalogue. Rotella's work is a small retro d'affiche of 1958 published in the general catalogue of the works of Mimmo Rotella.

On the mentioned site you can view other works for sale by Arnaldo Pomodoro and Mimmo Rotella.

The works of Mimmo Rotella and Arnaldo Pomodoro can be viewed i...

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via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
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