14 Sep 2023

New works by Ontani

We inform collectors and web surfers that on our website www.galleriacontro.it we have published some works by Luigi Ontani: ceramics, watercolours, plates and a mask. Good vision.

Tags: Luigi Ontani

1 Aug 2023

Flavio Tiberio Petricca a "Supervisione"

"Supervisione" è il titolo della collettiva tenuta nel Palazzo Costantino e Palazzo Di Napoli ai Quattro Canti di Palermo. La manifestazione si è svolta, come ogni anno dal 2000, dal 13 al 15 luglio scorso in occasione del Festino di Santa Rosalia. Sono stati coinvolti 42 artisti tra i quali il nostro Flavio Tiberio Petricca. Antico è il rituale della processione della Santa, antiche e sfarzose sono le sale dei palazzi, affrescati nel '700 in stile barocco, ma ormai decadenti e molto rovinate da una atavica incuria. La mostra intende valoriz...

20 Jul 2023

Kazumasa at Museo Diocesano of Massa

With the title "Where the stars are born", Kazumasa exhibits at the Diocesan Museum of Massa in a path where his works are combined with Renaissance works and the sacred vestments of the Catholic liturgy. At first sight such a collocation is unthinkable, in practice this juxtaposition between the ancient and the modern is not at all unbecoming or strident, on the contrary the union between the sacred and the profane enhances the sacredness of the work of art and establishes a continuity between the present and the past. It testifies to the c...

20 Jun 2023

Basel Fair

Basel Fair. Like every year, we visited this fair and the thing that immediately caught our eyes was that there wasn't the general public of other years and, on the other hand, some gallery owners weren't satisfied with the sales. The impression is that there were no American buyers while there weren't even a shadow of Chinese buyers and so did the Russians for obvious reasons. However it is a fair where it seems that there is the artist of the year. This year the pre-eminent artist was Basquiat who was not seen at all in other years. Works ...

23 May 2023

April shopping

On our website www.galleriaincontro.it we have recently published two works by Carlo Mattioli and two by Piero Dorazio. Both works are old-fashioned. 

Tags: Carlo Mattioloi - Piero Dorazio
28 Apr 2023

Latest acquisitions

On our site we have recently published the latest acquisitions. These are Ontani, Isgrò, Morellet and Lodola. In particular by Morellet we have published a "Griage" from 1974, by Ontani some slippers in ceramics and a polyptych on canvas, a rare work for the technique used. 

Tags: Ontani - Morellet - Isgrò - Lodola
31 Mar 2023

Fiera di Pavia 2023

Saremo presenti alla Fiera di Pavia allo stand numero 56-75 con i seguenti artisti: Adami, Aubertin, Baj, Chia, Christo,Costalonga,  Crippa,  Dorazio, Guarneri, Kazumasa, Lindtröm, Montesano, Nicolotti, Raciti, Radi, Zappettini. La manifestazione si svolgerà nei giorni di sabato 1 aprile e domenica 2 aprile dalle 10 alle 19

Tags: Fiera di Pavia - Adami - Aubertin - Baj - Chia - Christo - Costalonga - Crippa - Dorazio - Guarneri - Kazumasa - Lindström - Montesano - Nicolotti - Raciti - Radi - Zappettini 

15 Mar 2023

Kazumasa's exhibition

Until March 20 Kazumasa Mizokami exhibits his works in Japan, his homeland. In this exhibition Kazumasa exhibits on three walls of the gallery a set of his typical works: the blue man, the calendars, some free-standing sculptures, a set of small rounded sculptures among the blue men, challenging works measuring 40 or 60 centimeters per side. Centrally in the room stands a round composition depicting creation. The constituent elements of the works are flowers, of various shapes and sizes, which are made of terracotta and painted after firing ...

9 Mar 2023

Arte Parm Spring edition

The first part of the spring session of the Parma Fair has ended. The event will conclude with next weekend. In this first part we have registered little public and little enthusiasm from collectors. We also presented important and uncommon works, such as a griage by Morellet, a Christo from the 70s, a Massironi from the 60s, a Mattioli from the 70s, as well as the Kounellis, Salvo, Nicolotti, Petricca, etc. . We therefore hope that next weekend there will be a larger audience that will be more attentive to our proposals.

Tags: Parma Fai...
8 Mar 2023

Raciti at Galleria San Fedele

This exhibition by Mario Raciti at the Galleria San Fedele, via Hoepli 3 Milan, embraces the complete cycle of works, from those of the early 1960s to the latest. All of Raciti's pictorial cycles are represented here, "One or two figures", "Presence - absence", "Mythologies", "Mystery", "The flowers of the deep", "Sources". The leitmotif of Raciti's works is the lightness and rarefaction of the colors on the canvas. A set of soft brushstrokes that explode into spots, a subtle, erratic, wandering sign that we find here and there on the canvas...

20 Feb 2023

new works of the month of February

We inform collectors and web surfers that we have just published new works by Christo, Petricca and Massironi. Good vision. 

Tags: Christo - Petricca - Massironi
12 Feb 2023

Bologna art fair 2023

The Bologna Fair 2023 ended with a bang. With a bang for the number of visitors, over 50,000, and for the turnover. As far as our gallery is concerned, the most popular and best-selling artists were: Boetti, Zorio, Salvo, Melotti, Gilardi. The exponents of Arte Povera aroused much attention, which was the theme proposed by our gallery: Kounellis, Calzolari, Paolini. We also separately presented the young artist Petricca with a series of material works, with enveloping shapes and colors, which attracted the attention of visitors to the fair. ...

19 Jan 2023

Paolo Radi at the Biennale 2022 of Changwon

Paolo Radi, Roman visual artist, has been invited to participate in the 2022 Changwon Biennial in South Korea. The theme treated by Radi is the artistic interpretation of the concept of "entanglement" of quantum mechanics. It is worth emphasizing that classical mechanical, that Newtonian,  concerns the macro dimensions of matter, while quantum mechanical concerns the micro dimensions of matter. While with classical mechanical it is possible to describe phenomena with the sole aid of equations, in quantum mechanical this is not sufficient as ...

17 Jan 2023

Bergamo fair 2022 some images

The 2023 edition of the Bergamo Fair has ended happily. This year there was an increase in the number of visitors who came from all over Lombardy. We presented for the first time the young artist Flavio Tiberio Petricca whose fresh and engaging work has rediscovered the favor of a large part of the public with the sale of the two available works. But the interest was general, from Baj to Salvo, Biasi, Kazumasa, Guarneri, Raciti, Zorio among the most popular. We thank the collectors who bought, those interested in our work and those who visit...

13 Jan 2023

Cuoghi at Palazzo Cominelli

This interesting exhibition at Palazzo Cominelli, in San Felice del Benaco (BS), sees the participation of a large group of artists among which the presence of Vanni Cuoghi is relevant, a figurative artist but with an ever new, never banal figuration that draws inspiration from his knowledge of art history immersed in modernity. The title of the exhibition is "Of demons, monsters, nymphs and other stories" linked to a more or less distant past of Lake Benaco or Garda as it is commonly called today. Cuoghi takes its cue from phantom, and afte...

Galleria incontro
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
VAT N : 02662130984
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