16 Jul 2024

Valerio Adami at Palazzo Reale in Milan

Until September 22nd of this year, at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, Valerio Adami is exhibiting an anthology, from the early 1950s to recent years. The exhibition also includes the preparatory drawings of the works which are faithful in every way to the works that Adami then creates on the canvases. The exhibition begins with the first works from the early 1960s that show Adami's pictorial research, that is, works that present oblique cuts with the contours already sufficiently marked and with the color fields that are primary colors without s...

27 May 2024

Emilio Isgrò artista dell'anno (Emilio Isgrò artist of the year)

The National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome inaugurates the artistic cycle called "Artist of the Year". For 2024, Emilio Isgrò was chosen to whom a personal room was dedicated where an installation of 28 small books with black and gold erasures stands out. The event includes a series of debates with representatives from the world of economics, law and literature as well as meetings with the world of schools. The initiative is interesting, and is the first of its kind, as it moves different cultures and sensitivities around the theme of art

3 May 2024

Luigi Ontani at the Chiostro del Bramante Rome

This collective exhibition at the Chiostro del Bramante in Rome curated by Danilo Eccher is entitled "Emotion". About twenty artists are represented, including Luigi Ontani with a room. The room is magenta colored and fifteen works are displayed, each representative of the technique used by the artist. Specifically, watercolors, photos, masks and herms are on display. The environment is very suggestive and its magenta color goes well with the Ontani's palette. The exhibition lasts until September 29, 2024. More information can be found on th...

5 Apr 2024

Vernissage ad PaviArt 2024

Alcune immagini del vernissage della Fiera di Pavia edizione 2024

4 Apr 2024

Art Pavia 2024

With the inauguration on April 5th the Pavia Fair begins in which we will participate with works by Nicolotti, Salvo, Kazumasa, Raciti, Guarneri, Ontani, Griffa and others. The inauguration is scheduled for 6pm by invitation, public admission will be on 6 and 7 April from 10am to 7.30pm. Our stands will be numbers 56-75. We hope many of you will come. Entrance tickets can be downloaded from the fair website

25 Mar 2024


The attention to the works of Luigi Ontani continues with incredible success. The interest in this multifaceted artist concerns both ceramics, watercolors and photos. For the subjects, the colors, the multiple techniques, the imagination, the soft and flowing hand make Ontani one of the greatest and most important artists of our time. But in addition to the pleasantness of the works, it should be noted that also from an investment point of view, Ontani offers certainty and a positive return in the future.

1 Mar 2024

Art Parma Fair

Opening on March 2nd we will be present at Arte Parma, Fiera di Parma, in pavilion 7 at stand 110. The event will take place on March 2nd and 3rd and March 8th, 9th and 10th from 10am to 7pm. We will present works by Ontani , Christo, Zorio, Lodola, Isgrò, Salvo, Morellet, Griffa and others.

For further information visit the website of the fair

14 Feb 2024

Arte Genova 2024

We will be present at Arte Genova, a trade fair event taking place at the Genoa Fair from 16th to 18th February. In stand 121 of pavilion B we will exhibit works by Christo, Morellet, Griffa, Dorazio, Del Pezzo, Ontani, Salvo and others. Opening hours to the public from 10am to 7pm. For further information visit the website

8 Feb 2024

Finissage Arte Fiera Bologna 2024

This edition of the Bologna Fair has just ended happily. The general public who came to visit it was particularly interested in the works of Luigi Ontani, Emilio Isgrò and Christo above all. The works of Gilberto Zorio, Giorgio Griffa, Kazumasa and Vanna Nicolotti have also attracted attention. By Ontani we presented watercolours, ceramics, masks and photos, by Christo a "Crater" from 1958, a very rare work, by Isgrò a work in three panels for a total of 6 meters by 1.20 metres. By Zorio we presented a terracotta star on waxed iron sheet. In...

30 Jan 2024

Programmazione Fiere ed Eventi 2024

Si comunica ai naviganti e collezionisti che saremo presenti nelle seguenti fiere ed esposizioni nel corso del 2024

Informazioni riguardanti gli stand e i padiglioni in cui saremo presenti verranno divulgate in prossimità degli eventi stessi.


Bologna Arte Fiera 2024 

dal 1 febbraio al 4 febbraio 2024  ( maggiori informazioni sul SITO  della fiera ) 

Arte Genova  2024

dal 16 al 18 febbraio 2024 (maggiori informazioni sul SITO  della fiera ) 

Arte Parma 2024 sessione primaverile

il 2  e il 3 marzo 2024 (maggiori informazioni sul SITO  della fiera ) ...

29 Jan 2024

Arte Fiera Bologna 2024

Saremo presenti alla prossima Arte Fiera Bologna. La manifestazione si svolgerà dal 2 al 4 febbraio nei padiglioni 25 e 26 con orario 8-20. Preview il giorno 1 febbraio dalle 11 alle 20 con ingresso riservato alla stampa ed ai possessori di tessera VIP.

Ci troverete al padiglione 26 allo stand B36. Esporremo opere di Christo, Griffa, Isgrò, Ontani, Salvo, Zorio ed altri

Maggiori informazioni sulla manifestazione collegandosi al sito della fiera

10 Jan 2024

Bergamo Arte Fiera 2024

We will be present at the Bergamo fair in pavilion B and stand 68. We will schow works by Adami, Costalonga, Del Pezzo, Guarneri, Isgrò, Dorazio, Griffa, Gilardi, Ontani, Raciti and other artists. Opening hours: Friday 12th from 3pm to 7pm, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th from 10am to 7pm

20 Nov 2023

Arte in Nuvola 2023

Informaimo i Signori collezionisti che saremo presenti alla fiera Arte in Nuvola, Roma, presso il centro esposizioni "La Nuvola" nella Main Section e allo stand D24-26. Esporremo opere di Christo, Costalonga, Baechler, Del Pezzo, Dorazio,  Gilardi, Ontani e un lavoro di ben 6 metri per 1.20 di Emilio Isgrò.  L'inaugurazione sarà giovedì 23 su invito;  nei giorni 24-25-26 dalle 11 alle 19 la manifestazioine sarà aperta a tutti. Vi aspettiamo

Tags: Arte in Nuvola - Christo - Costalonga - Baechler - Del Pezzo - Dorazio - Gilardi - Ontani - Isgrò...

17 Nov 2023

Latest works by Ontani

We inform our collectors that we have published Ontani's latest acquisitions on our website www.galleriacontro.it.

Thanks for your attention and enjoy your viewing 
Tags: Ontani
10 Nov 2023

Padova fair 2023

We inform collectors that we are present at the Padua Fair in pavilion 7 and stand 126. We present works by Baechler, Isgrò, Gilardi, Morellet, Massironi, Ontani, Lodola, Del Pezzo, Christo and others. Timetable: 10-11-12 November from 11am to 7pm. Monday 13th from 10am to 2pm

Tags: Padua Fair - Baechler - Isgrò - Gilardi - Morellet - Massironi - Ontani - Lodola - Del Pezzo - Christo
Galleria incontro
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
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