Like all Luigi Ontani's masks, this one is also made up of two elements. The upper part is carved in Pule wood while the lower part is a watercolor on paper. The carved mask is made up of two opposing faces colored differently, magenta red for the upper part and green for the lower part. Consequently, the watercolor is also made up of two opposing faces with colors that mirror those of the mask. The processing of the latter is laborious and long because after carving the wood must be sanded with increasingly finer sandpaper and finally painted with natural colors with many coats of color until the color has the compactness and brilliance of ceramics. The watercolor measures 52x37 cm and is dated 2020, the mask measures 51x25x15 cm and is dated 2020-2022. This means that the watercolor was first done together with a rough draft of the mask and the latter was finished later.