This work has been sold or is not available for sale

Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird)

Year : 1985

Dimensions : diametro cm 26

Technique : white porcelain painted magenta

Exhibitions : Bon appetit toujours - Espace 251, 1985, Liège Belgium

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

Short Review

This plate, along with the other three published on the site, was part of an exhibition held in Liège, Belgium, at Zaira Mis' "Espace 251" gallery. Originally all the plates were supposed to form a single body, but then, for probable commercial reasons, they were divided by the gallery owner. On the fine white ceramic plates, characters are depicted, one per plate, in magenta surrounded by festoons of various designs. Ontani's disappointment was notable for this dismemberment even if he understood (up to a certain point) the commercial reasons. 

Tags: Ontani- Zaira Mis - plate
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Luigi Ontani

Works for sale

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Trio sessuale (Sexual trio)

Trio sessuale (Sexual trio)

Dimensions : diametro cm 17,5

Technique : Indian ink on glossy paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - San Giovannino

San Giovannino

Year : 1985

Dimensions : diametro cm 26

Technique : white ceramic drawed in magenta color

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Faunefebo con uccello Royal

Faunefebo con uccello Royal

Year : 1985

Dimensions : diametro cm 26

Technique : white ceramic drawed in magenta color

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Fanciulli amici (Children friends)

Fanciulli amici (Children friends)

Dimensions : diametro 21,5

Technique : ink on glossy paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Le paon corrigeant garçon devant photographer indien

Le paon corrigeant garçon devant photographer indien

Year : 2012

Dimensions : cm 32x26

Technique : hand-watercolored photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Babbucce orientali

Babbucce orientali

Year : 1995

Dimensions : cm 29x10x15 cadauna

Technique : ceramica policroma e oro zecchino

Authentication : autentica di Luigi Ontani su foto

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Rare rimpianto pianta

Rare rimpianto pianta

Year : 1993-2020

Dimensions : cm 52,5x37,5

Technique : watercolor on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - En tour vers l'Inde

En tour vers l'Inde

Year : 1975

Dimensions : cm 31,5x24,5

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication in progress

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Violinist not violent

Violinist not violent

Year : 2002

Dimensions : cm 31,5x25

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication in progress

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Allegria (Allegory)

Allegria (Allegory)

Year : acquarello 2020, maschera 2020-2022

Dimensions : maschera cm 51x25x15, acquarello 52x37

Technique : Pule wood sculpture and watercolor

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Ombrofago


Year : 2008

Dimensions : cm 128x105

Technique : lenticular photography

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Electric throne

Electric throne

Year : 2006-2007

Dimensions : cm 173x105

Technique : lenticular photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Addormentato da Papamoneta & Papaveri

Addormentato da Papamoneta & Papaveri

Year : 2022-2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Avo Pitagorico avulso

Avo Pitagorico avulso

Year : 2022-2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Avo Vanitas

Avo Vanitas

Year : anni '90-2021

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Bogatritone


Year : 2013-2021

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Cingalese Romanese

Cingalese Romanese

Year : 1993-2021

Dimensions : cm 50x38

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Dormiente dà dè Papamoneta

Dormiente dà dè Papamoneta

Year : 2022-2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - CucuPutun


Year : 2009-2021

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Endimiolunaria


Year : 2007-2020

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Fanciullo disinvolto avvolto risvolto

Fanciullo disinvolto avvolto risvolto

Year : 2000-2020

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo de Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Ganesha Javadoratore

Ganesha Javadoratore

Year : anni'90-2021

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Han Ciok Muli

Han Ciok Muli

Year : 2006-2020

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : watercolour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Mamort Sidul sunset

Mamort Sidul sunset

Year : 2008-2020

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : watercolour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Mostromestomisto


Year : 1998-2021

Dimensions : cm 50x38

Technique : watercolour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Ninnananna manna

Ninnananna manna

Year : 1991

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : watercolour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - TritonMeticcioFeticcio


Year : 1991-2019

Dimensions : cm 53x38

Technique : watercolour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Verderamo


Year : inizio anni '90-2021

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : watercolour on paper

Authentication : autentica di Luigi Ontani su foto

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Vivavitartealtrove


Year : anni'90-2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authenticatio on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Lingam lingnaggiolignaggio

Lingam lingnaggiolignaggio

Year : anni '70-2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - MegendinAngin


Year : 2006-2021

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Tramonto Thai sui monti

Tramonto Thai sui monti

Year : anni'90-2012

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Kadek di Cuore sd Ore

Kadek di Cuore sd Ore

Year : 2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on apper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Guardiano SingaKajano

Guardiano SingaKajano

Year : anni '90-2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo bv Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Thai levitando

Thai levitando

Year : 2000-2020

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Anak bunga Lotus

Anak bunga Lotus

Year : 1998-2020

Dimensions : cm 37x52

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Lingam Ganga

Lingam Ganga

Year : 2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Lingam Ganga Varanasi

Lingam Ganga Varanasi

Year : 2024

Dimensions : cm 37x52

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Reuccio vanituccio

Reuccio vanituccio

Year : 2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Salam Calcutta Ganga

Salam Calcutta Ganga

Year : 2000-2020

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Red sandals

Red sandals

Year : 1995

Dimensions : cm 27x10x9,5 cadauno

Technique : polychrome ceramic and pure gold

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Dante


Year : 1994

Dimensions : cm 66x36x28 + cm 35x25x40 (base)

Technique : ceramica policroma e oro zecchino

Authentication : autentica di Luigi Ontani su foto

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - San Sebastiano de papa moneta

San Sebastiano de papa moneta

Year : 1991-2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Puposorvolante con Puppet

Puposorvolante con Puppet

Year : inizio anni 90 - 2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Sognano Altrove

Sognano Altrove

Year : inizio anni 90 - 2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authenyication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - nudo del DADO

nudo del DADO

Year : 2000 - 2020

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - MEMEMAN


Year : anni 90 - 2024

Dimensions : cm 37x52

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - BaliMondino


Year : 2013-2018

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Mussa Monson Lingam

Mussa Monson Lingam

Year : 2000-2024

Dimensions : cm 52x37

Technique : water colour on paper

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - DISSIDENTE


Year : 2014-2016

Dimensions : cm 32x27

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - inCanti immani

inCanti immani

Year : 2014

Dimensions : cm 32x25

Technique : hand-painte watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Maddalena orante

Maddalena orante

Year : 2014

Dimensions : cm 33x26

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - YINYANGuria


Year : 2014

Dimensions : cm 32x27

Technique : hand-painted watyercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - ELEttromeo


Year : 2005

Dimensions : cm 30x28

Technique : hand-painted watercolored photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - TombaTtibetana montana lontano

TombaTtibetana montana lontano

Year : 2014

Dimensions : cm 30x25

Technique : hand-painted watercolored photo

Authentication : authentication sur photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - PappaGallo inCanto

PappaGallo inCanto

Year : 2008

Dimensions : cm 30x24

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Violinist not violent

Violinist not violent

Year : 2002

Dimensions : cm 32x26

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication sur photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Mirror Miracolo

Mirror Miracolo

Year : 2007

Dimensions : cm 32x29

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - InCuboSonSogno


Year : 2011

Dimensions : cm 32x25

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Pavoneggianti


Year : 2012

Dimensions : cm 32x26

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : aquthentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Sciamano Sunil Scimmie

Sciamano Sunil Scimmie

Year : 2014

Dimensions : cm 32x26

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - NotoStoNato


Year : 2013

Dimensions : cm 31x25

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - San Sebastianellonfolo

San Sebastianellonfolo

Year : 2014

Dimensions : cm 33x28

Technique : hand-painrted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - PeDANTE


Year : 2009-2012

Dimensions : cm 32x26

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Logostaggio


Year : 2006

Dimensions : cm 32x28

Technique : hand-painted watercolored photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Moldestia


Year : 2014

Dimensions : cm 32x25

Technique : hand-painted watercolore photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Plaisir Doleur

Plaisir Doleur

Year : 2007

Dimensions : cm 32x26

Technique : hand-painted watercolored photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - NotoStoNato


Year : 2013

Dimensions : cm 31x25

Technique : hand-painted watercolored photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Farfalle fallaci

Farfalle fallaci

Year : 2013

Dimensions : cm 31x25

Technique : hand-painted watercolored photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - MoraloSceno


Year : 2007

Dimensions : cm32x23

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - VanitaS d'Eros

VanitaS d'Eros

Year : 2014

Dimensions : cm 32x26

Technique : hand-painted watercolor photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - PieDone GiganteGalante

PieDone GiganteGalante

Year : 2005

Dimensions : vetro cm 30x55x20 - acquarello cm 58x77

Technique : Murano glass

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Naga Garuda Singh

Naga Garuda Singh

Year : 2002

Dimensions : cm 63x83

Technique : light box

Authentication : authentication on photo de Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - NirVanità


Year : 2019 - 2019 2020 - 2019 2023

Dimensions : acquarello cm 52x37, maschera cm 56x23x15, foto lenticolare diametro cm 70

Technique : Pule wooden mask, watercolor on paper, lenticular photo

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Ghette abbottonate

Ghette abbottonate

Year : 1995

Dimensions : cm 30x10x18

Technique : ceramica policroma e oro zecchino

Authentication : autentica di Luigi Ontani su foto

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Babbuccia orientale (Oriental slipper)

Babbuccia orientale (Oriental slipper)

Year : 1995

Dimensions : cm 29x10x15

Technique : polychrome ceramic and pure gold

Authentication : authenticationon photo by Luigi Ontani

FaunoEfebo con uccello Royal (FaunEphebus with Royal bird) - Babbuccia orientale (Oriental slippers)

Babbuccia orientale (Oriental slippers)

Year : 1995

Dimensions : cm 29x10x15

Technique : polychrome ceramic and pure gold

Authentication : authentication on photo by Luigi Ontani

Galleria incontro
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
VAT N : 02662130984
The whole website content is copyrighted and owned by Galleria Incontro