Saremo presenti alla fiera in oggetto nel padiglione 7 allo stand numero 110. La Fiera si svolge in due tornate, 8 e 9 marzo e 14 15 e 16 marzo con orari 10-19. Esporremo opere di Adami, Ceroli, Christo, Isgrò, Lodola, Ontani, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Scialoja. Vi aspettiamo. Per i biglietti di ingresso chiedere nell'opposito box della biglietteria quelli disponibili della nostra galleria.
Informiamo i nostri collezionisti ed i navigatori in rete che sul nostro sito abbiamo pubblicato nuove opere di Luigi Ontani e Flavio Petricca. Buona visione
Domenica scorsa si è chiusa la Fiera di Bologna con il solito successo di pubblico. La nostra galleria ha presentato due artisti: Luigi Ontani e Mario Ceroli. Entrambe le mostre hanno suscitato notevole interesse di pubblico al punto che il nostro stand è risultato tra i migliori se non il migliore. Questo grazie alla qualità delle opere presentate e alla loro disposizione nello spazio espositivo. Particolarmente apprezzat6a la disposizione delle opere di Luigi Ontani. Quindi grazie di cuore ai visitatori, a quelli che si sono complimentati...
Arte Fiera will be held from 6 to 9 February in the exhibition pavilions of the Bologna Fair. On the 6th, entry is by invitation only, while from 7 to 9, entry is free with opening hours 11-19. We will be present in pavilion 26 stand B44 with works by Ontani, Ceroli, Griffa, Zorio, Nicolotti, Kazumasa, Petricca and others. We are waiting for you!!!!
The event called "Luci d'artista" has just ended in Turin. Created in 1999, the event takes place in the period October-January and consists of inviting two artists each year to create a luminous work to be installed in the municipality of Turin. The works will remain on permanent display. For 2024-2025, the artists Luigi Ontani and Andreas Angelidakis have been chosen. Ontani presented a tondo entitled "Scia'Mano", that is, shaman. The reason for this choice can be traced back to Ontani's travel experience, who, moving from a young age in t...
We would like to inform you that we have just published three new works on our website. A small silver sculpture by Arnaldo Pomodoro, a small theatre by Lucio Fontana and a wooden one by Mario Ceroli with two faces in profile, one of which is hinged.
This interesting exhibition is currently underway in Rome, in the halls of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, involving the two artists Francesco Clemente, an exponent of the Transavanguardia, and Pietro Ruffo who works in the field of new figuration. The exhibition was brought to our attention by Luigi Ontani and we were delighted to visit it. Francesco Clemente's exhibition is entitled "Anima nomade" and is a journey through the various stages of the artist's physical and cultural nomadism, which is represented by a series of tents, each tent ...
Si è svolta il 28 u.s. la cerimonia di conferimento al Maestro Luigi Ontani del Diploma accademico honoris causa in Pittura Arti Visive da parte dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna. Si tratta del primo titolo onorifico che l'accademia concede. Dopo la lectio magistralis il Maestro Luigi Ontani ha inaugurato la nuova Ala Irneris dell'accademia
Presentiamo alcune immagini dell'allestimento della mostra di Luigi Ontani personalmente curata in ogni aspetto dal Maestro
We will be present at Art Verona where we will exhibit works by the following artists.:Valerio Adami, Giorgio Griffa, Mario Ceroli, Luigi Ontani, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Lucio del Pezzo, Franco Costalonga, Vanna Nicolotti, Salvo, Riccardo Guarneri, Kazumasa Mizokami, Fabio Petricca, Mario Raciti, Arnaldo PomodoroThe event will take place from 11 to 13 October. The opening hours are 11-19. You will find us at pav. 11 stand A1
Interesting exhibition that the artistic duo Bertozzi & Casoni exhibit in the rooms of the "Labirinto della Masone" located in Fontanellato in the province of Parma. This place is a museum of predominantly Renaissance art but where the hyper-realistic ceramics of Bertozzi & Casoni adapt well in a continuous dialogue with the portraits, landscapes, marbles exhibited in the rooms. The exhibition lasts until January 7, 2025, admission is paid and for information send an email to:
Ultimamente abbiamo pubblicato nuove opere di Luigi Ontani sul nostro sito. Si tratta di acquarelli, babbucce, foto ed una maschera. Inoltre informiamo i collezionisti e i navigatori in rete che stiamo preparando la personale di Luigi Ontani che avverrà nei locali della nostra galleria dal 26 ottobre 2024 al 26 gennaio 2025.
Until September 22nd of this year, at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, Valerio Adami is exhibiting an anthology, from the early 1950s to recent years. The exhibition also includes the preparatory drawings of the works which are faithful in every way to the works that Adami then creates on the canvases. The exhibition begins with the first works from the early 1960s that show Adami's pictorial research, that is, works that present oblique cuts with the contours already sufficiently marked and with the color fields that are primary colors without s...
The National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome inaugurates the artistic cycle called "Artist of the Year". For 2024, Emilio Isgrò was chosen to whom a personal room was dedicated where an installation of 28 small books with black and gold erasures stands out. The event includes a series of debates with representatives from the world of economics, law and literature as well as meetings with the world of schools. The initiative is interesting, and is the first of its kind, as it moves different cultures and sensitivities around the theme of art
This collective exhibition at the Chiostro del Bramante in Rome curated by Danilo Eccher is entitled "Emotion". About twenty artists are represented, including Luigi Ontani with a room. The room is magenta colored and fifteen works are displayed, each representative of the technique used by the artist. Specifically, watercolors, photos, masks and herms are on display. The environment is very suggestive and its magenta color goes well with the Ontani's palette. The exhibition lasts until September 29, 2024. More information can be found on th...