This work by Emilio Isgrò is a parody of the famous apple that William Tell put on his son's head as a target of his arrow. The apple depicted resembles an egg and already this is a desecrating intent, but not content Isgrò puts a worm in it warning Guglielmo Tell: careful there is a worm inside the apple, you can kill him!!! So a paradox that ridicules a heroic but cynical fact: someone however he goes will die, the son or the worm. It is the other side of the enterprise where the son will not die but the worm that symbolizes the position of the last, often meat for slaughter for large companies, will die. Below are the notes:
"Libro Bianco per Guglielmo Tell", Mudima Edizioni, Milan 1993, p. 60. A. Bonito Oliva, "Emilio Isgrò", Mazzotta, Milano 2000, pag. 24. A. Bonito Oliva and M. Bazzini, "I declare to be Emilio Isgrò", Pecci Edizioni, Prato 2008, pp. 190 and 191. M. Meneguzzo, "Emilio Isgrò. Fratelli d'Italia", Edizioni Credito Siciliano, Verona 2008, pag. 42. M. Bazzini "Emilio Isgrò-var ve york", Maretti Editore, San Marino 2010, pp. 176 and 177. M. Bazzini, "Isgrò", Electa, Milan 2016, p. 127. M. Bazzini, "Emilio Isgrò", Forma Edizioni, Florence 2017, pp. 120 and 121.
14 June - 10 October 1993: "Guglielmo Tell", XLV Espozizione Internazionale d'Arte, Venice. 26 January - 28 February 2001: "Emilio Isgrò", curated by A. Bonito Oliva, Santa Maria dello Spasimo, Palermo. 3 February - 11 May 2008: "I declare to be Emilio Isgrò" curated by M. Bazzini and A. Bonito Oliva, Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato. 29 June - 25 September 2016: "Isgrò", curated by M. Bazzini, Palazzo Reale, Gallerie d'Italia, Casa Manzoni, Milan
Tags: Emilio Isgrò - Isgrò - Guglielmo Tell