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Arnaldo Pomodoro

Spirale (Studio) (Spiral (Study))

Year : 1993

Dimensions : cm 23,5x10x8

Technique : bronze, specimen 5/8

Archive : archive Arnaldo Pomodoro n° 689

Publishings : Arnaldo Pomodoro-Continuum, pag.41 of the exhibition catalogue, edition Galleria d'Arte L'Incontro - Arnaldo Pomodoro, Tornabuoni Art, Paris 11/03-11/06/2011 catalogue p. 105 - work published in the catalogue raisonné online by Arnaldo Pomodoro at n° 1134

Exhibitions : Arnaldo Pomodoro - Continuum, from 4 December 2010 to 27 February 2011- Arnaldo Pomodoro, Tornabuoni Art Paris, 11/03-11/06 Paris - Arnaldo Pomodoro, Il Melograno, Monopoli, Bari Airport, Brindisi Airport, 26/04-30/09/2007

Authentication : authentication on photo by Arnaldo Pomodoro

Short Review

This small-format work by Arnaldo Pomodoro has as its subtitle the word "Studio" as it served as a model for the realization of large works. This sculpture, and the others that derive from it, consists of a spiral that wraps around a central axis. The shape, the propeller, is the fundamental geometric one in many natural processes and it is as if nature finds it easier to make its creations using this form. In fact, the substance behind life is deoxyribonucleic acid commonly called DNA. We can therefore say that Pomodoro found it natural to resort to this constructive solution. In fact, making the analogy with DNA, which contains all the information useful for the development of life, this work contains all or almost all the elements that make up the inspiring themes of Pomodoro's works, the semi-wrinkled surface, the arrows, the sharp tips, the sphere,perfect geometric figure emblem of Pomodoro's work. In the center there is a column around which the spiral wraps and which represents the tree of life.

Other works for sale by Arnaldo Pomodoro can be viewed on our website

On the same website at the same address you can also read the biography of Arnaldo Pomodoro

Tags: Arnaldo Pomodoro - Pomodoro- spiral - sphere - works for sale by Arnaldo Pomdoro

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Arnaldo Pomodoro

Works for sale

Spirale (Studio) (Spiral (Study)) - Scudo (Shield)

Scudo (Shield)

Year : 2010

Dimensions : cm 74x25.5x17.5 più base h= 16 cm

Technique : Bronze

Authentication : authentic on photo by Arnaldo Pomodoro

Spirale (Studio) (Spiral (Study)) - Disk


Year : 2008

Dimensions : cm diametro 10

Technique : Bronze

Authentication : publisher's certification on cardboard containing: author (Arnaldo Pomodoro), material and edition

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