Lucio Del Pezzo

Casellario multicolore a fondo bianco (Multicolored filing cabinet with white background)

Year : non specificato

Dimensions : cm 75x60

Technique : collage, acrylic and enamel on wood

Publishings : work published on the catalogue at page 16 of the exhibition "Lucio Del Pezzo - Ritorno al futuro" edited by Galleria 92

Authentication : authentication on photo by Lucio Del Pezzo

Short Review

As mentioned in other publications, Lucio Del Pezzo's works called "Casellario" are nothing more than an archive of the artist's memories, passions, and cultural interests. The geometric shape of each of these objects therefore refers to his ideal pantheon, both material and spiritual, which however is not always intelligible to those who did not frequent him in life.

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Lucio Del Pezzo

Works for sale

Casellario multicolore a fondo bianco (Multicolored filing cabinet with white background) - Untitled


Year : 1974

Dimensions : cm 85x50x20

Technique : acrylic on wood

Authentication : authentication on photo by Lucio Del Pezzo

Casellario multicolore a fondo bianco (Multicolored filing cabinet with white background) - Composizione (Composition)

Composizione (Composition)

Year : non specificato

Dimensions : cm 75x60

Technique : collage and acrylic on wood

Authentication : authentication on photo by Lucio Del Pezzo

Galleria incontro
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
VAT N : 02662130984
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