This work has been sold or is not available for sale

Mario Ceroli

Senza titolo (Without title)

Year : 2007

Dimensions : cm 61,5x66x7

Technique : Russian pine wood, lime, ash, colored earths

Authentication : authentication on photo by Mario Ceroli

Short Review

This work by Mario Ceroli is valuable and of rare workmanship. It develops on two levels and represents a head seen in profile. The head in the foreground is partially hinged so if we look at the work in the first instance the head below appears to be incomplete, while if we open the hinges the head below appears in its entirety. With this trick Ceroli obtains two figures, the upper one darker than the lower one and where ash abounds, the lower one is lighter than the upper one with little ash and predominance of lime. Both versions are given on this web page

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Mario Ceroli

Works for sale

Senza titolo (Without title) - Ninfea (Water lily)

Ninfea (Water lily)

Year : 1968

Dimensions : cm 30x28x11

Technique : painted Russian pine wood

Senza titolo (Without title) - Fiore (Flower)

Fiore (Flower)

Year : 2010

Dimensions : cm 50x50x13,5

Technique : painted Russian pine

Senza titolo (Without title) - Withou title

Withou title

Year : 1968

Dimensions : cm 38x30x11,5

Technique : Russian pine assembly

Authentication : authentication on photo by Mario Ceroli

Senza titolo (Without title) - Ninfea (Water lily)

Ninfea (Water lily)

Year : 1968

Dimensions : cm 33x30x11

Technique : varnished Russian pine wood

Authentication : authentication on photo by Mario Ceroli

Senza titolo (Without title) - Ninfea (Water lily)

Ninfea (Water lily)

Year : 1968

Dimensions : cm 27x29x13

Technique : varnished Russian pine wood

Authentication : authentication on photo by Mario Ceroli

Senza titolo (Without title) - Ninfea (Water lily)

Ninfea (Water lily)

Year : 1968

Dimensions : cm 30x32x15

Technique : varnished Russian pine wood

Authentication : authentication on photo by Mario Ceroli

Senza titolo (Without title) - Ninfea (Water lily)

Ninfea (Water lily)

Year : 1968

Dimensions : cm 30x30x15

Technique : varnished Russian pine wood

Authentication : authentication on photo by Mario Ceroli

Senza titolo (Without title) - Ninfea 8Water lily)

Ninfea 8Water lily)

Year : 1968

Dimensions : cm 31x28x15

Technique : varnished Russian pine wood

Authentication : authentication on photo by Mario Ceroli

Galleria incontro
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
VAT N : 02662130984
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